
Our Project ECHO didactics are easily digested at 15-20 minutes in length, and cover a range of topics focusing on evidence-based practices useful for rural behavioral health providers. Search and watch our didactics online, anytime.


Asynchronous eLearning

Our courses and toolkits are available anytime, at no cost to you. Short on time? Check out our microlearning videos, which are fewer than 5 minutes.

Coping with Xylazine in Street Opioids

 5 Minutes or Fewer!

This short informational video for providers outlines the risk and dangers of xylazine consumption, tips for counseling patients on what to expect during withdrawal, and the value of taking a harm reduction approach when treating patients who use substances with potential xylazine contamination.


Deprescribing: A Multipart Series

 2.5 Hours

Join Dr. Sydney Springer from the University of New England as she teaches learners on various topics in deprescribing including having the patient conversation, deprescribing for dementia, and more. CEUs available. 

Free on Telehealth Classroom

Understanding Ageism

 6 Hours

In this course, you will learn about why we are so ageist, how ageism impacts our health and costs the US healthcare system billions of dollars, how we should respond to ageist behavior, and most importantly, what we can do to change our own ageist thinking and behaving and contribute to a more equitable, just society for all.

Free on Telehealth Classroom

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